Sunday 3 November 2013

Princess's pre-k unit #2 M-m Moon

Full moon in the darkness of the night sky. It is patterned with a mix of light-tone regions and darker, irregular blotches, and scattered with varying sizes of impact craters, circles surrounded by out-thrown rays of bright ejecta.
Our moon unit fell not only during the week of a full moon, but a beautiful harvest moon.  Princess had a couple opportunities this week to be out after dark observing the moon, and we had lots of fun activities inside to reinforce the lunar learning.  Some of the things Princess did while learning about the moon included:

-making a book about the phases of the moon

-measuring the distance Princess can jump on earth and then how far she could jump if she was on the moon

-creating a model of the moon’s surface- demonstrating how craters were formed

-Bible lessons about how we can be the light of the world as we reflect the light of Jesus

-Lots of trips to the moon during free play time

-Dancing to Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (a little night music) while trying to balance a beanbag on her head

-Making letter Ms out of jello.

Mobile showing creation day #4

Princess and Angel modeling homemade “space helmets”

            Here’s a look at the fiction titles we read during this unit.  “If You Decide to Go to the Moon” was a favourite that we read several times.  Though I included it with the fiction books because it is about an imaginary trip to the moon, this title probably taught us more facts about the moon then all of the non-fiction books combined.

            And these are the information books we used to learn more about the moon.

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