Friday 10 January 2014

Top 10 Parenting Books- Part 2

Book number 9 on my countdown of  favorite parenting books is one I just finished reading last month.  Life Skills for Kids- Equipping Your Child for the Real World by Christine M. Field has got to be one of the most absolutely practical books out there for parents.  It's about teaching our kids the things they really need to know to manage everyday life. 
Sometimes as a homeschooling parent I can get tunnel vision on academics.  How is my child doing with reading and math, history and science?  Those are important, but in my efforts to help my children excel academically am I neglecting some basic life skills that they're going to need?  When my children leave home I want to know that they can prepare a healthy meal and do laundry, carry on a conversation and manage money.

This book has chapters about people skills, time and space organization, healthy habits, spiritual habits, decision making and more.  Each chapter outlines some things we can do with our kids to help them develop in these specific areas as preschoolers, school-age kids and teenagers.  I know this a book I will be referencing again and again as the years go by and I recommend this one for ALL parents regardless of the age of your kids or whether you're sending them to public school or teaching them at home.  It's like a textbook guiding parents through what their children need to know and how to help them get there.

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