Tuesday 3 September 2013

Introduction to The Read-Aloud Momma

Hi!  Welcome to the Read-Aloud Momma's all new blog.  I'm so glad you decided to stop by.  I thougt I'd start by letting you know what to expect on this blog.  As a homeschooling Mom I spend most of my days at home with my family.  I love it (most of the time) but others might wonder what we do all day.  So, I thought I'd share some of the experiences I have along this journey with you.  I plan to focus mostly on the fun things we do in our little homeschool and especially the great books we share together.  I'm a little obsessed with children's books and I'm a huge believer in the benefits of reading aloud to children, so you can expect to find lots of book reviews along the way.

So, who are we?  Well, I'm the Mom, teacher and reader.  I'm a daughter of the King of Kings and trying to follow His leading in my everyday.  I'm the wife of the love of my life, who I married only three months after we met in Bible school (sometimes called Bridal School).  I have three young blessings.  My princess is 4-years-old.  She loves to paint, play in the sand, draw, and listen to stories.  She is also learning to read.  My angel is 2-years-old and she likes to climb, build with blocks, put puzzles together and listen to stories.  Finally, my little prince is 6-months-old.  He likes to move, watch his big sisters, try new foods and listen to stories. 

I'd love to hear about your family.  What is your favorite book that you like to share?

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